Appeals Process

Our district wants to ensure that you receive a fair hearing. Bylaw 5.3 Public Access to the Board - Appeals, sets out the procedures for the Board to hear appeals by parents and students.
Parents and students are entitled to seek a review of any decision which significantly affects the education, health or safety of a student.
  1. Concerns are first addressed at the school level with the employee. If not satisfied, you may then take your concern to the school principal.
  2. If you still disagree with a school-based decision, you can pursue the matter with the Director of Instruction, at the district office.
  3. If the matter is still not resolved, then you are free to appeal the decision to the Board by completing a written Notice of Appeal.
  4. All parties will be provided with the same written relevant information that will be considered by the Board.
  5. In addition to your written appeal, you will have an opportunity for a verbal clarification of your views during a closed Board meeting. All parties will hear and read the same presentations and documentation.
  6. You can choose to be accompanied by an advocate, support person, and/or an interpreter/ translator during the appeal process.
  7. Reasons for the Board’s decision on an appeal will be provided to you in writing.
  8. We wish to assure you that there will be no reprisals to anyone who makes an appeal. Employees engaging in reprisal are subject to discipline.
  9. If you disagree with the Board’s decision, you may appeal for a new hearing to the Superintendent of Achievement at 250-368-8037 or [email protected]. You can find more information here.
  10. You may contact the Ombudsman’s Office at any time during an appeal at: Toll Free: 1-800-567-3247 or Fax: 1-250-387-0198. School District No. 20 is committed to serving learners, in partnership with our community, by providing quality public education.