Frequently Asked Questions

While tuition fees are covered, students can expect to buy books and any personal protection equipment required by their program. Travel costs are the responsibility of the student. There is also an initial $250 seat fee that assures that a place is reserved for the student. Costs may add up to between $500-800. Financial support is available for students experiencing hardship and these costs should not be a deterrent to applying.
If you are interested in Youth Train in Trades or dual credit programs, the first step is to talk to your school guidance counsellor. It is a good idea for grade 10 students to start those conversations at course selection time. Counsellors can answer questions, connect students to the district’s Trade Coordinator and help to plan courses for grade 11 and 12. Counsellor and Trades Coordinator meetings need to take place before students can apply. The next step is to fill out the application. All of the necessary forms can be found here. Once, students have completed the application, it should be submitted to the school counsellor. Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee acceptance into the program.
The application process for Youth Train in Trades should start in the second semester of Grade 10. By the fall of Grade 11, students should have completed their application process with the support of their school counsellor.
There is public transit available for students from Trail or Castlegar to the various Nelson campuses. The busing schedule aligns with Selkirk’s schedule to facilitate access.
Career Life Connections and a Capstone project are required by the Ministry of Education for graduation. The district trades coordinator will oversee the building, presenting and assessment of Capstone projects and ensure that the learning outcomes for CLC are covered by the program.  Both CLC and Capstone must be successfully completed and assessed with a passing grade for graduation.
The College Readiness Tool (CRT) is designed to assess your readiness for post-secondary using a computerized placement tool. The CRT mostly assesses math and English. After your assessment, the college will follow up by offering information and resources to ensure your college experience is as successful as possible.
All students, other than those registered for the Professional Cook training program, must do Selkirk’s College Readiness Tool. You can find out more by speaking to the district Trades Coordinator or accessing the Selkirk College CRT web page. You will have to book your CRT appointment online by using the Youth Train in Trades option (scroll down to #2) on the CRT assessment sessions site.
It is important that students be responsible for their learning and access support when needed. Help is available for students who find themselves struggling with their academics, their health, or their mental well-being. The district’s Trades Coordinator connects with students weekly to ensure their ongoing success. Student support is central to this role and the coordinator can offer help and guide students to the appropriate resources. Students can also reach out to their high school guidance counsellor if they require support.
Selkirk’s instructors and the college’s Learning Resources Centre can support students who need academic help and the college’s Counselling Services can be accessed to support wellness.
Because students are moving into a post-secondary setting, it is very important that they assume responsibility for communicating with their College instructors and Student Services themselves. The college does not communicate with parents directly. A parent’s role is to encourage their child to reach out to the College staff and to help them find the appropriate contacts as needed. Parents with questions or concerns should direct them to the SD20 Trades Coordinator. Parents should attend all information sessions so that they understand the expectations and next steps for their student. Reaching out to family or friends involved in trades is one of the ways that parents can be involved in their child’s learning as helping students to connect with trades people can set them up for a successful apprenticeship program.
The coordinator has one scheduled weekly visit to all Selkirk campuses. However, if an issue or concern arises, students should contact the coordinator so that they can plan to meet as needed.
The school district’s scheduled Spring Break is NOT a part of Selkirk’s academic calendar. However, those attending full year programs can expect to have a two-week Christmas break.
Attendance is the key to success in the Trades and Dual Credit Programs. Students attending a four-month program can have up to 3 absences and those in the 8-month programs can have up to 5 days of absence.
Yes, all the Selkirk College campuses have a cafeteria where students can purchase food.
 Generally, students pay for incidental costs connected to their program. However, students experiencing financial hardship should speak to the Trades Program Coordinator about accessing support. Cost should not be a barrier to student participation or success in YTT or Dual Credit programs.
 Depending on the plan, students may be able to access funds. Families should contact their financial institutions when doing their planning so that they can find out more.
Many scholarships are available to YTT and Dual Credit students. Graduating students should be in touch with their school counsellor to find out about applying. The District Trades Coordinator can also be a valuable resource in helping students access bursaries and scholarships.
Students are responsible for finding employment but support and guidance from the Trades Coordinator will be provided. Gaining employment is one of the important facets of the program. Students will learn how to get a job!
Yes, students can participate in all extra curricular activities at their school site.
The demands of the program make it difficult to participate in practices and games for any high-level sport. This is a conversation to be had with coaches so that possibilities can be explored.
Absolutely!  Staying connected to peers is important for students as they prepare to graduate. Grads should make sure that they are aware of their school’s grad plans and register for all updates so that they can know about upcoming events. It is important that Grads and their families check emails and social media posts to stay looped in. It is easy for information to be missed due to the physical distance from school.