Newcomers to Canada
Welcome to the Kootenay-Columbia School District!
To do list for students new to our schools:
- Save the school’s telephone number on your mobile phone
- Save email address for your child’s teacher in your mobile phone
- School supply lists are usually available on the school’s website
- Be aware of your child’s bus schedule
- Prepare backpack, bus pass, lunch kit, and water bottle
- Prepare your child for the weather – have good footwear, comfortable clothing, and outerwear ready for different seasons and school activities
- Set up a routine for success (wake up time, breakfast, getting dressed, leaving for school, study time and sleep time routines)
School contacts and communication
It is important to stay connected to your child’s school. Schools may communicate with you via phone or email. They will also provide regular updates via email through newsletters. You may hear from the classroom teacher, the principal or the vice-principal. If you have concerns about your child’s education, you can also reach out directly to the classroom teacher at anytime during the school year to set up a meeting. Other adults who may be working to support your child include: Inclusion Support Employees (Education Assistants), Child Care Workers, English Language Learner teachers, Student Support Teachers and Counsellors.
Sharing Health Information
Schools work with families to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment. At the start of the school year, you will be asked to provide the school with information on any special needs, medical concerns, emergency contacts, allergies etc.
Calendars and school schedule
Each school has a timetable and bell schedule on the school’s website. Children must be at school from the start of the school day until the end. If your child will be absent from school, always inform the school via School Messenger.
Elementary students (kindergarten to grade 7) usually stay in one classroom and with one teacher all day. They may leave the classroom for a few classes, such as, physical education (PE), Art, or Music.
Most high schools (grade 8 – 12) run on a semester system (S1 and S2). Each student takes 4 classes in S1 (September to January) and 4 classes in S2 (February to June).
All schools are closed for winter break, spring break and summer break.
School supplies and fees
School supply lists are created each year by teachers for each grade. School supply lists are usually available on the school’s website. School fees are paid via My School Bucks. Contact the school for more information.
Students walk, cycle, get a ride with family/friends or ride the school bus to school. Students planning to ride the school bus must be registered. Bus registration applications can be found on the district’s website under: Parents->Transportation.
Children should bring nutritious food and snacks for recess and lunch. Children should also bring a reusable water bottle with them daily. Some schools offer breakfast and lunch programs. Contact your school for more information. High schools may have a cafeteria where students can purchase hot lunches.
Children will spend a portion of their school day indoors but will play outside every day. Please send your child to school in clothing that is seasonally appropriate. In fall and spring, this may include a rain jacket and closed footwear. In winter, this may include a warm jacket or snowsuit, gloves, a toque (warm hat) and warm shoes like insulated boots. Some schools also require students to have a pair of athletic shoes for the gym that are only worn indoors.
Personal Digital Devices (cell phones, tablets and smart watches)
Elementary Schools: The use of personal digital devices is not permitted from the time students arrive on school grounds until students exit the school grounds. This includes field trips and school organized off-site experiences.
Secondary Schools: The use of personal digital devices is not permitted during instructional time which includes class time, spare blocks, transition time, assemblies, guest speakers and field trips. Personal digital devices can be accessed during non-instructional time before and after school and the lunch break.
Security & Storage: The security and storage of personal digital devices is the responsibility of the owner/user. SD20 assumes no responsibility for the safety, security, loss, repair, or replacement of devices. If secondary students bring a device to school, they are encouraged to ensure they are locked away in lockers.
BC’s curriculum may look and feel different than the school system your child has worked with in the past. BC’s curriculum maintains a focus on sound foundations of literacy and numeracy while supporting the development of citizens who are competent thinkers and communicators, and who are personally and socially competent in all areas of their lives. Schools honour the ways in which students think, learn, and grow, and prepare them for a successful lifetime of learning where ongoing change is constant. If you have questions about your child’s learning, please contact their classroom teacher.
Communicating student learning
Communicating Student Learning is a process through which the schools share assessment results with parents so they can better support their child. The goal is to have an on-going discussion between students, parents, and teachers about the student’s learning. This is not limited to learning updates. Teachers use a variety of methods and tools to communicate with parents. This may include conferencing, paper reports, and/or digital platforms.
MyEdBC is an online portal provides parents with a way to access their child's school information directly online. It is very important that families know how to access this portal.
Referral to Learning Services Form - ELL
When a student's home language is anything other than English or if your child is just learning English, you may receive a Referral to Learning Services form from the school. This is the opportunity for us to get to know your child as a learner and to ensure that we are providing all that is needed for your child to be successful in school. This form may arrive by email or in hard copy through your child.
So that we can best get to know your child's needs, please sign and return this form to the classroom teacher (elementary) or the school counsellor (secondary).
If you have any questions about this form and what services we can provide, please contact our District ELL teacher, Kerri MacDonald: [email protected]