Code of Conduct

The Board recognizes that the conduct of every individual should at all times contribute to a safe, orderly and positive learning environment. Every individual is expected to respect the rights and property of others, and to adhere to district and school regulations.
District and school regulations shall set expectations for codes of conduct. These regulations are designed to direct and/or guide individuals to be responsible citizens in the school community. The Board acknowledges that student discipline should emphasize the development of appropriate behaviour and rehabilitation. Counseling and other district and community agency services may be necessary to support students experiencing serious difficulty in meeting code of conduct expectations.
In keeping with the provincial education mandate, the Board recognizes that student social responsibility development is shared between home and school. The Board acknowledges that the involvement of parents is crucial both in the communication of standards of behaviour and in decisions regarding the consequences of unacceptable student behaviour. The Board acknowledges that principals are the paramount authority within schools in matters concerning the discipline of students.
The Board also recognizes that every individual has the right to fair process, including the right and responsibility to express concerns in a respectful, open fashion.
Most disciplinary suspensions fall under Section 85 of the School Act (ie, granting the Board the power to make rules regarding suspensions, etc.).
Section 26 grants the power to suspend students to administrative officers and to the Superintendent of Schools.
Section 85(3) of the School Act allows a Board to refuse to offer an educational program to a student 16 years or older who:
  • refuses to comply with the Code of Conduct or other rules and policies established by the Board and school.
  • has failed to apply him/herself to his/her studies.
A school administrator enacting this section of the Act should:
  • refer the student to the Director of Student Support Services to see if an alternate placement or program is in order.
  • if it is not, then the issue should be referred to the Board (reference 85(3) of the School Act).
  • before this referral is made, students should be given written notice that they may be subject to expulsion if they do not comply with the rules or apply themselves to their studies in regard to learning, school based activities and homework.
  • school board policies contain procedures which protect the due process rights of students who may face expulsion under Section 85(3) including a full and fair opportunity to be heard before such a decision is made.